“Beyond the Word:” Immersion, Art, and Theory in Environmental and Digital Humanities Prototyping
“Beyond the Word:” Immersion, Art, and Theory in Environmental and Digital Humanities Prototyping

“Beyond the Word:” Immersion, Art, and Theory in Environmental and Digital Humanities Prototyping

作者:Hanna Musiol, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

转载来源:Digital Humanities Quarterly, 2021, Volume 15 Number 2, http://www.digitalhumanities.org/dhq/vol/15/2/000557/000557.html

“超越文字”探索数字与环境人文 (D&EH) 与文字和文本的纠葛——但也超越了文字和文本——以身体、艺术和数字设备为中心,作为叙事、推测、表演和沉浸式工具。具体而言,本文详细介绍了在全球生态和数字化转型时期将混合媒体沉浸式文学、声音和视觉艺术作为教学批判性、推测性 D&EH 的工具。使用挪威科技大学开发的两个跨学科人文计划作为测试案例,本文侧重于教学原型实验,鼓励非确定性地使用和思考数字工具作为诗歌的载体,跨媒体环境叙事、批判理论、伦理和沉浸式档案重构。本文涵盖了将多模态文学和理论课堂转变为包容性、沉浸式公共场所的设计过程和样本活动,最后反思了此类 D&EH 工作的伦理后果。


Hanna Musiol 

Hanna Musiol is Associate Professor of Literature at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and a founding member of NTNU Environmental Humanities and NTNU ARTEC. Her interests include transnational American literature, transmedia storytelling, and critical pedagogy, with emphasis on migration, environmental justice / political ecology, and human rights. She publishes on literary and transmedia aesthetics and justice and collaborates regularly with grassroots initiatives and nonacademic institutions on city-scale curatorial, public humanities, and civic engagement projects. https://www.ntnu.no/ansatte/hanna.musiol

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