Excavating Infrastructure in the Analog Humanities’ Lab: An Analysis of Claude Lévi-Strauss’s Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale
Excavating Infrastructure in the Analog Humanities’ Lab: An Analysis of Claude Lévi-Strauss’s Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale

Excavating Infrastructure in the Analog Humanities’ Lab: An Analysis of Claude Lévi-Strauss’s Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale

作者:Aleksandra Kil, University of Wrocław (Poland)

转载来源:Digital Humanties Quarterly, 2020:14.3, http://www.digitalhumanities.org/dhq/vol/14/3/000468/000468.html

在这篇论文中,我介绍了Claude Lévi-Strauss的社会人类学实验室(LAS),成立于1960年,作为人文学科基础设施考古学的一个案例研究。在媒体考古学和关键基础设施研究的基础上,我强调了模拟人文学科研究基础设施的重要性,并展示了人类关系领域文件(Human Relations Area Files, HRAF)是如何组织LAS的,这是耶鲁大学创建的一个巨大的民族学前电子存储库。这篇论文研究了文件是如何被动员起来为Lévi-Strauss的实验室获得资金和空间,并获得基础设施优势(由HRAF的纸质性增强),帮助它建立了“丰富”的地位。


Aleksandra Kil 

Aleksandra Kil is a PhD candidate in Cultural Studies and a member of the Laboratory of Contemporary Humanities at the University of Wrocław (Poland). Her research areas include media theory and philosophy of the humanities. In her current work she studies index cards as an apparatus of making knowledge in the analog humanities.

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